RESTORE2™ Resources for Primary Care
RESTORE2™ training for clinical staff in PC Devon
Familiarization PowerPoint for GP and clinical staff (e.g. practice nurses, paramedics). Available from Learning and Development Centre and/or CCG.
GPs to familiarize themselves with RESTORE2 and the care provider training taking place in their
patch. To start thinking about how they as a GP practice want to use the
tool. For GP's
RESTORE2™ training for non-clinical staff in PC Devon
Training package for GP non-clinical staff e.g. receptionists. PowerPoint delivered by trainer.
For non-clinical GP staff to have a greater awareness of the RESTORE tool, the care provider training taking place in their patch and how to understand and action RESTORE tool information they may start to receive from care providers using the RESTORE tool.
For Receptionists and Practice Managers
If your resident has any of the soft signs of deterioration you should complete a set of observations and work out their NEWS using your RESTORE2™ chart - Click here for more information.
NEWS is a scoring system that shows how unwell a resident is. The higher the number, the sicker the person is likely to be. - Click here for more information.
Does your home use RESTORE2™- Always ask the home if ”they use RESTORE2™
RESTORE2™ can support you by:
- Providing a full set of observations and a National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) to support your clinical decision making
- Clearly defining what’s normal for that resident
- Supporting homes to regularly monitor resident’s observations
- to provide a clinical picture
- Ensuring communication is clear and concise (SBARD)
Click here for more information.
RESTORE2™ Information for Care Home Providers
Check out benefits for homes poster by clicking here.
Does your resident show any of the following ‘soft signs’ of deterioration?
- Increasing breathlessness, chestiness or cough/sputum
- Change in usual drinking / diet habits
- A shivery fever - feel hot or cold to touch
If YES to one or more of these triggers – take action! Click here for more information.
Adult Physiological Observation & Escalation Chart - Does Your Resident Have Soft Signs of Possible Deterioration? Click here for more information.
Why is my organisation trialling RESTORE2™?
RESTORE2™ assists staff to identify residents who are becoming unwell and helps them to get the right treatment.
When should I use RESTORE2™?
All residents should have their soft signs of deterioration and what is normal for them documented on RESTORE2™. You should start observations whenever something suggests your resident may becoming unwell. This may be based on your knowledge of your resident, the fact that they are ‘not themselves today’, or when there is something is more obviously wrong.
In our organisation, the Care Assistants do most of the ‘hands on’ care. Can they start a resident on RESTORE2™ and how will they know when to do this?
Care Assistants are ideally placed to spot the deteriorating resident. As above, if the Care Assistant thinks that the resident is not as well as normal, even if they can’t ‘put their finger’ on why, they should escalate this to a senior member of staff and use RESTORE2™.
What is NEWS2?
RESTORE2™ includes National Early Warning Scores (NEWS2), a system developed by the Royal College of Physicians that uses six easy to measure physical observations to predict the risk of serious illness in people. Each observation is scored between 0 and 3. The higher the total score, the sicker the person is likely to be. All ambulance services and hospitals already use NEWS2 which is part of RESTORE2™ along with many GP’s and Out of Hours services – creating a common language across healthcare systems.
NEWS2 is made up of six observations – do I need to do them all?
YES, without all six, NEWS2 will not accurately predict the risk of resident deterioration so they all need to be done consistently.
Will the Care Quality Commission support non-registered staff to do patients observations?
Yes, provided the person has received appropriate training. RESTORE2™ uses NEWS2; because NEWS2 interprets the observations, the only responsibility on the person doing the observations is to escalate them appropriately using the escalation framework.