All of the course topics shown below either feature as a scheduled course on our course catalogue, or are specialist subjects delivered by our excellent trainers and educators.
In addition to the training, the Learning and Development Centre is pleased to be a one-stop-shop for your learning events. We can organise everything including the expert speakers, venue, catering, refreshments, resources, registration, sponsorship and certificates of attendance. Contact us to find out more! [email protected]
Please find below the topic headings - scroll down for a synopsis of each course.
- Basic Life Support and Anaphylaxis
- Chaperone Training
- Customer Service
- Dealing with Difficult Patients
- Excel for Beginners
- Handling Complaints for Reception and Administration Staff
- Immunisations Updates
- Introduction to Phlebotomy
- Managing and Responding to Formal Complaints
- Reception Skills
- Simulation Training - Including Difficult Conversations, Conversations regarding End of Life, Acute Scenarios
- Sleep Workshop for Practitioners
- Supporting Patients with Sleep
- Telephone Techniques
Basic Life Support and Anaphylaxis 
One of the key requirements for all healthcare workers is to be able to perform basic life support and react appropriately to incidents of anaphylaxis. The Learning and Development Centre is very pleased to be working with expert trainers around our region, who will be pleased to deliver this training to your group.
Group sizes are usually limited to ensure everyone has time to work on the resuscitation models and practice the correct procedures and protocols. Space in the training room is required to allow people to move around and fully partake in the life support scenarios - if you don't have access to a suitable training space this can also be arranged by the Learning and Development Centre.
Contact us with your training needs!: [email protected]
Chaperone Training 
Suitable for: Primary Care Professionals in Patient Facing Roles
Overview of course: This course covers what a chaperone is, why a chaperone needs to be present, the roles and responsibility of the healthcare chaperone and the rights and concerns of patients.
Written and delivered by Sarah Stapleton, this interactive session will enhance the existing skills within your team to effectively and safely provide chaperone services for patients. Suitable for all staff with all levels of experience.
Contact us for more detail!: [email protected]
Dealing with Difficult Patients
Suitable for: Primary Care Professionals in Patient Facing Roles
Course Aim: To provide clinical and non-clinical staff with the skills and understanding to have greater confidence in dealing with aggressive behaviour safely.
Topics Covered:
- Why Patients become Aggressive
- How to assess risk
- How to respond to conflict
- The basics of de-escalation
- Dealing with violence in the waiting room
- Communication
Delivered to groups by Sarah Stapleton, this interactive session will compliment your teams' existing skills to effectively manage people that are presenting with difficult or aggressive behaviours.
Contact us for more information: [email protected]
Excel for Beginners 
Suitable for: Any staff member that needs an introduction to using spreadsheets in the workplace.
This course has been written by Victoria Tucker, who is a self-confessed Excel nerd! She has used spreadsheets extensively throughout her working life, including analysing passenger and revenue data for a regional airline, organising and presenting data for Children's Social Services and organising the training programme and training statistics for the Learning and Development Centre.
Course Content:
- Anatomy of a spreadsheet
- How a spreadsheet is used
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Entering data and different data types
- Formatting your spreadsheet
- Sorting and filtering data
- An introduction to formulas and functions
- Presenting data using pivot tables and charts
Contact us with your training needs!: [email protected]
Handling Complaints for Reception and Administration Staff
Suitable for: Primary Care Professionals in Patient Facing Roles
Course Objective
By the end of this course you will be able to:
• Understand what a complaint is and why people complain
• Recognise the skills and approaches needed to deal with patient complaints
• Have a process to follow when dealing with a patient complaint
• Follow a review process to mitigate the circumstances leading to the complaint.
Contact us for more information: [email protected]
Immunisations Updates 
Almost every person in your community will require an immunisation while they are registered with your practice. Making sure you are appropriately trained and that you keep your qualification up to date is essential to be able to carry out this function in primary care. Most practitioners require an annual update in order to continue vaccinating.
The Learning and Development Centre offers tailored updates for all four of the Immunisation topics we cover, and we can provide these in your practice, subject to availability. All delegates should have previously completed the appropriate Immunisations Foundation course for their job role.
- Immunisations Update for Registered Healthcare Practitioners (including childhood immunisations, shingles, pneumococcal, flu and COVID)
- Immunisations Update for Healthcare Assistants and Assistant Practitioners (including shingles, pneumococcal, flu and COVID)
- Immunisations Update for Flu and COVID (for people only qualified to deliver flu and COVID vaccinations)
- Travel Immunisations Update for Registered Healthcare Practitioners (only suitable for registered practitioners)
Delivered by our expert trainers, Tricia Smith and Emma Edwards, these courses are guaranteed to provide the most up to date information and guidance for all practitioners. Resources, administration and certificates of attendance are included in these training packages, with additional elements on request.
Contact us for more information!: [email protected]
Introduction to Phlebotomy
With Clinical Educator Claire May
Suitable for: All Healthcare Professionals
The training material covers all aspects of Phlebotomy and gives delegates a complete understanding of the theory associated with this procedure. During the training session delegates will be provided with slides on which to take notes, supporting resources and a competency document to complete in practice with an experienced and suitably qualified Mentor. Please ensure that there is someone in practice available to oversee your work while you complete the practical elements of the course once the theory has been completed.
Certificates of attendance are provided after the session; the certificate and the completed competency document evidence delegate proficiency.
Once complete please retain the competency document with the course certificate; the Learning and Development Centre does not need to see these once completed but for safe keeping they can be uploaded to the Learning and Development Centre account!
Group size is limited to 25 to ensure adequate practice time on the venepuncture training equipment.
Contact us for more information: [email protected]
Managing and Responding to Formal Complaints
With Sarah Stapleton, Education Facilitator.
Suitable for: Practice and PCN Managers
This course is designed for Managers working in Primary Care settings. The course will look at managing complaints that have been escalated, and the processes to follow leading to possible methods of resolution.
Contact us for more information: [email protected]
Reception Skills 
Suitable for: Primary Care Professionals in Patient Facing Roles
This course can be tailored to your team in order to reflect the experience of staff members and specific areas of learning need. This interactive session includes presentations, case studies and group work to effectively share knowledge and embed learning.
Overview of course:
- Patient Services Skills
- Communication
- Listening
- Body Language
- Time Management
- Prioritising and multitasking
- Make every contact count
- Know your patients
- Managing the clinicians
- Complaint Handling
- Anger management
- Problem solving
- Looking after yourself
Delivered by Sarah Stapleton
Contact us for more detail: [email protected]
Simulation Training
The Learning and Development Centre is very excited to be able to offer tailored simulation based training for healthcare settings. Ideal for primary care or care organisations, our friendly facilitators work with our dedicated team of trainers and topic experts to bring a range of scenarios to life. These simulations are designed to explore and enhance the skills and experience of the delegates in each session, while providing a unique learning opportunity supported by guided reflections and group discussions.
More than one simulation topic can be chosen to create a bespoke blend of training for your group.
Our simulation topics include (but are not at all limited to):
- Acute Clinical Scenarios - Heart Attack / Cardiac Arrest / Stroke / Sepsis / Meningococcal Symptoms
- Falls and Broken Bones
- Managing Difficult/Aggressive Patients
- Holding Difficult Conversations (eg: End of Life)
- Patients with Dementia
Email us to discuss your training needs: [email protected]
Supporting Patients with Sleep
Sleep Workshop for Practitioners
Suitable for: All healthcare practitioners.
Good quality sleep (and getting enough of it!) is vital for our health and wellbeing. Everyone working in healthcare will have supported patients who are not getting enough sleep, whether this is due to their mental health, physical health, medications, profession or lifestyle. At any one time, 36% of the British population has experienced poor sleep in the last week.
Sleep is a mysterious activity that many of us take for granted, but for others can be the cause of great distress. Poor sleep is known to contribute to poor health outcomes.
Your trainer for these topics is Victoria Tucker, who is an Independent Sleep Coach working for the Learning and Development Centre.
Supporting Patients with Sleep
We know that healthcare practitioners have very little time to discuss sleep difficulties with patients, so this training is designed to not only provide a comprehensive overview of sleep science and good sleep hygiene practices, but also to enable quick and meaningful discussions around sleep when time is limited. This training is delivered as a workshop and includes resources such as an action plan to use with patients and a quick-reference guide for practitioners to guide sleep conversations.
Sleep Workshop for Practitioners
Healthcare settings can be a very demanding and stressful environments, and it's common for people working in healthcare to experience poor sleep or sleep anxiety. The Sleep Workshop covers the same sleep science and sleep hygiene principles, but the focus is on the individual and the use of self-care techniques to reduce stress and achieve better sleep.
Email us to discuss your training needs: [email protected]
Telephone Techniques
Suitable For: Primary Care Professionals in Patient Facing Roles
Course Aims: A key part of the Reception role in General Practice is receiving and making telephone calls. The aim of this course is to provide practical call handling training teaching delegates techniques and skills to confidently answer calls and constructively respond to enquiries ensuring information received and given is complete and correct. The course will also look at what to do when a caller becomes angry or aggressive.
Delivered by Sarah Stapleton, this interactive course introduces and enhances key skills in telephone communication.
Key Objectives:
- Answer and make telephone calls in a professional manner
- Learn techniques to efficiently respond to queries ensuring information received and given is complete and correct
- Build up a rapport with the caller and satisfy their needs quickly
- Handle concerns with empathy and understanding
- Dealing with angry or aggressive callers
Contact us for more information: [email protected]