BMJ Best Practice

BMJ Best Practice is the point-of-care clinical decision-making tool provided to you by NHS England. It offers a step-by-step approach to help manage patient diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention. It has a useful comorbidities section, providing tailored advice for treatment for those with common comorbidities. It also provides links to patient information leaflets, calculators, videos and much more. The data is fully evidenced-based, reviewed and updated.

When signing in to BMJ Best Practice your organisation is “NHS in England”, then enter your username and password.

New to using it? Here’s a 6-minute video to show you how to get the most out of BMJ Best Practice. This 3-minute video explains how the comorbidities function works.

It is also available as an app from your app store – but you do need to create a personal account on the website first before being able to use the app.
