Menopause Update - 9th July 2025 - 09:00 to 10:30
Live virtual training session hosted in Zoom.
With Dr Jane Davis, FSRH Advanced Certificate Menopause Care
Suitable for:
Care clinicians; this course is most suitable for those who are initiating or
reissuing HRT.
We are very excited to be offering this Menopause Update to our Learning and Development Centre catalogue! This has been kindly produced and will be delivered by Dr Jane Davis, FSRH Advanced Certificate Menopause Care.
Course Aims:
To build on the basic overview of current best practice in Menopause Management within Primary Care. An opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge to clinical scenarios and to discuss anonymised case studies.
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:
1. Know the latest updates in current Menopause treatment options.
2. Feel confident trouble shooting common HRT problems.
3. Practice within own level of professional competence and refer as needed.
09:00 - Introduction
09:15 - Hot topics in Menopause
09:45 - Case based discussions and Q and A
10:30 - Close meeting
Contact us before the course to submit questions and submit anonymised case
studies for discussion! Send your questions and submissions to us: [email protected]
If you no longer require your place on this course place cancel it so that there is availability for other delegates. To cancel a booking please log into your Learning and Development Centre account, go to the Centre course list and click on the orange box next to the course name.