First Contact Practitioners

What is a First Contact Practitioner?

  • A diagnostic clinician in primary care working at Masters level with undiagnosed and undifferentiated diagnoses managing complexity and uncertainty at the first point of contact who has a minimum of 5 years post graduate experience
  • First contact Practitioners can come from a variety of clinical backgrounds including – Physiotherapists, Paramedics, Dietitians, Podiatrists and Occupational Therapists.
  • ‘Roadmaps’ are the detailed documents giving guidance for each profession about the training and accreditation requirements for both FCP and Advanced Practice level work.  They have been made to create a standard of practice and proof of capability in primary care

The link below will take you to the HEE roadmaps landing page which has lots of useful information, including FAQs, supervision documents, roadmaps and resources.

Or click here to download the roadmap specific to your FCP role.