E-Portfolio route in Primary Care
The Centre for Advancing Practice has opened applications for the supported e-portfolio route to Advanced Practice - please see the link below:
There is dedicated provision for Primary Care practitioners, who have the experience and evidence to map to the multi-professional framework (with minimal or no gaps), to take up this opportunity. There is currently no direct cost for the individual. The e-portfolio route is a way for practitioners to achieve ‘Recognition of Education and Training Equivalence’, supported by an Education Provider.
Please see below a 19-minute explanatory video from Richard Collier, Lead for the Centre for Advancing Practice, and a set of FAQs.
Supported ePortfolio Route webinar held Monday 6 December - YouTube
Practitioners can apply through the link above throughout January, but applications may close earlier if sufficient applications are received. Those meeting the criteria will be invited to start preparing their portfolio, in readiness for a Learning Needs Analysis with a matched Educational Provider/e-Portfolio Assessor from 14 January onwards.